Today, I went to Taipei to see my 90 years old grandma. She has been not well for many years and lying in bed for 2years.   I whispered in her ear "A-ma, do you know who am I? A-ma, you have had a tough life.  It's time to let go. No more suffering. You have raised great children and grand children.  No need to worry for anyone no more! Please follow 阿彌陀佛 in your dream. To heaven, to the light, to where you are from, to eternity!" Bless you A-Ma"

Wednesday, my 44 years old sister is giving birth to her first child.  Bless them. Life,  birth, life time is just a small part of our journey. All is part of life.

I broke my phone.  Lost all the photos I took in Morocco. So what? I have all the great memories inside me!




