Today, we were in 台南. 阿堂鹹粥, what a line, people mountain people sea. We didn't eat. Later we went to 孔廟. I have learned a lot. 通天筒 (my brother said it's 沙威瑪);有教無類 (有64隻鴟鴞 on the roof top), there are dragons on the roof, dragons are water god. Will protect the building from fire.... Almond tofu was delicious too. My friend Yuli also introduced very special 米糕 to us. 碗粿was good... Next time, plan to stay longer. Great family trip !
目前顯示的是 4月, 2017的文章
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Today, the whole family came to Kaohsiung to see my sister Pei-Chi's new born baby girl. She is so precious! Bless her. We rent a van for 9 people. My great parents pay for everything including train tickets, hotels, car rental, meals... I am so lucky to have such generous parents. I wish them happy and healthy and all the best! I am very grateful and thankful to have such supportive family!
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主題: Awareness ; 覺 Today, in yoga class , the teacher said " 所有在這的女人, 都做超過了, 所以每個動作到級限了, 必須收一些回來。 Hold 住” Interesting reminder. Take back a little, reserve for myself. Don't give it all till nothing is left for myself. When I dry up. Till I die. After life is over, 還是各走各的。 個人帳 各人算! Yoga teacher said, your life is to complete your husband, your children.. How about yourself? What's the purpose of my life? When I got sick, I promise to make my life meaningful. It seems that I forgot about it and focus on our business, daily life, children... Now my test result reminds me again. How lucky am I to have health as my indicator. I will follow up on that.
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Today, I joined Satir class. In the class, a young mom shared that she got very upset and depressed for a few days for making a wrong decision. Later going deeper, digging and digging ... Conclusion: we don't accept the not so perfect self. Not allowing ourselves making any mistakes. Being so hard on ourselves. After being sick, I learned that I am not perfect. I am not in total control. I have to accept the weak self. Sometimes I have to cry for help.... I feel for the young mother. Many classmates cried in the class and can relate to the situation. Easy ! Easy, ladies! What's my dream? What do I wish to accomplish in this life? I don't want to be just "kind of"...
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- 其他應用程式 I like to share 薄伽梵歌 AOL Guruji 大師解釋的一段 knowledge. It's so beautiful, wise. It reminds me 一切唯心造。 我是無限! 是永恆! Today, I see my improvement when being with my son is "I learn to let him taje responsibility by not doing things for him". I also was firm, gave clear guidelines and let him know what I was looking for.
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This morning, did yoga 30mts, kriya breathing then busy. Broke my phone yesterday. A big black out and everything in my memory card showed nothing, nothing. My Morocco trip, my memory... All gone! Well, let it go! Let it go! Being upset doesn't help. I was glad I could find a temporary phone to use. , I was sick 2014 , September. With Multiple Myeloma. Got better doing fasting and many other non-western medicine treatments. Yesterday, my blood test showed a bit high "kappa light chain". Doctor wants me to go back in a month. Plasma cell is a bit high... Uh! What a horrible feeling! Then I looked back. What have had happened for the past few months. I have been busy and very stressful with our business. I was restless. This is a reminder not to go back to Cindy again! Like my phone, if I break it, no more chance. Love myself! In a calm, cool state! I must!
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Today, I went to Taipei to see my 90 years old grandma. She has been not well for many years and lying in bed for 2years. I whispered in her ear "A-ma, do you know who am I? A-ma, you have had a tough life. It's time to let go. No more suffering. You have raised great children and grand children. No need to worry for anyone no more! Please follow 阿彌陀佛 in your dream. To heaven, to the light, to where you are from, to eternity!" Bless you A-Ma" Wednesday, my 44 years old sister is giving birth to her first child. Bless them. Life, birth, life time is just a small part of our journey. All is part of life. I broke my phone. Lost all the photos I took in Morocco. So what? I have all the great memories inside me!
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感謝海豚飛的邀請 I will use this blog as my diary to keep track of my exercise journal. I want to be fit. My 12 years old son has been doing exercise with me for the past week. It's nice to sweat and I like to do exercise not alone. Today I ran for 2k, and did other things for about 45mts. I also did my kriya breathing. A good 1st day!